Make a splash.

We are committed to teaching your child to love and respect water.

Classes offered

  • Our beginners class is for ages 15 months and up. Beginners are any child or adult who has not yet mastered the ability to relax and float on their back for extended periods of time and swim the length of the pool alternating face in water and proper breathing without assistance. We emphasize that this is not an age related level but rather a skill level.

  • Once our swimmers have mastered the beginner level they can begin to learn their proper strokes. Our instructors are qualified to teach all technical strokes and can prepare your child for competition swim.

  • This class will focus on working with parent(s) with their (under 2) infants/young babes. We will teach you, the parent, how to avoid bad habits and unnecessary fears while building a solid foundation in the water. You will be able to use these techniques even at home in the shower/tub to prepare your baby for swimming success from a very young age. Breastfed infants are particularly easy to work with and are encouraged to attend. What is too young? As long as that umbilical cord is healed you can get them in the pool!

    Taught by Chris and Angela Hendry as well as Hannah Hendry.